It is a lovely day in June when Mia and I take a walk along the river IJssel, Mia is holding her friend Mr. Teddy, it would be unthinkable not to bring him along. Mia loves the river landscape, the grassland with the wild flowers and the vastness of the landscape. The sky above us is blue with white clouds that look as if they came straight from one of Ruysdael’s paintings. Down the waterfront we hear some very loud frogs who try to impress with their croaking voices. A Heron balances on one leg ready to catch one of the loud creatures, but as soon as we come in sight he spreads his wings and sails into the safety of the trees.

Mia is full of energy and runs ahead, but the sun is hot and soon we have to stop and remove some of our layers of clothes. Mia takes of her cardigan and we take a sip of water. In her Yellow pinnofore dress she blends in with all the lovely flowers around us.

We find clover en buttercup and different types of beautifull long grasses. There are a lot of buzzing insects around us and Mia spots a Dragonfly who flies of as soon as we get closer. Mia picks a few flowers to put on her bedside table later on.

We take a rest and lay down on our backs with the grass tickling between our toes. White clouds sail over us and we spot a Swan and later the head of a Dog. Mia yawns and only minutes later I see her drifting of into a deep sleep with Mr. Bear firmly in her arms.