19 February 2024
Amber, Waldorf Doll
Amber loves playing outside that is why she needs some sturdy boots and a...
Dit kleine Sterrenkindje brengt misschien wat licht in deze donkere dagen voor kerstmis! Het is een heel klein ledematenpopje van ca. 18 cm. Zie mijn Etsy shop voor verdere details (klik op webshop).
This little star baby may shine some light in these dark days before Christmas ! Maybe not for all of you but here in Holland it has been very grey and dark these past days. She is a tiny jointed doll only about 7 inches. Check my Etsy store for details (see webshop button on the site).
Giggles from the pear tree, Pippi trying to climb all the way to the top “just to see the sky” she said and “to look at the baby pears”. Not aware of my heart skipping a beat, “please come down” I ask her and she does only to get her feet stuck in the fence a minute later. I sigh, but then she gives me this smile and I can only think how much I will miss her when she travels to her new family.
Er klinkt gegiechel uit de perenboom, Pippi probeert tot bovenin te klimmen, “zo kan ik de lucht beter zien” roept ze “en de baby peertjes”. Mijn hart slaat over, “kom alsjeblieft naar beneden” roep ik, en dat doet ze dan ook, maar een minuutje later raakt ze met haar voetjes verstrikt in het hekje. Ik zucht, maar dan lacht ze naar me en ik kan alleen nog maar denken hoeveel ik haar ga missen als ze naar haar nieuwe familie is vertrokken.
Please meet my new doll Marinde, her name means from the sea and she really loves the beach. She loves searching for seashells when the tide is low. When it is really hot she will only wear her white sundress, but she also loves the windy days when the wind will pull her hair. On those days she wears her soft hooded cloak and her warm winterboots. One day she found a sweet baby seal and they became best friends. After a long day at the beach they will curl up together on the couch and cuddle.
Dit is Marinde, wat betekent van de zee, en een betere naam kan ze zich niet wensen want ze houdt van de zee, de zilte lucht, het zand tussen haar tenen en het zoeken naar schelpjes bij laag water. Als de zon hoog staat en het zand is opgewarmd draagt ze het liefst alleen haar witte zomerjurk. Maar ook op winderige dagen is ze het liefst op het strand zodat de wind haar haren laat wapperen. Op deze dagen draagt ze haar warme wollen cape met capuchon. Het was op één van deze frisse dagen dat ze een kleine zeehond ontdekte op het strand die ze liefdevol verzorgde. Nu zijn ze dikke vrienden geworden en na een lange dag aan zee kruipen ze gezellig samen onder een dekentje.
As a small girl I had an anthroposophical Waldorf doll (also called Steiner doll) that my mother had made for me and that I spent hours with playing. When I became a mom myself my daughter turned out to be just the same, playing endlessly with her dolls. I then decided I wanted to make her something special, her own Waldorf doll just like my mother had done for me. But how?
A workshop helped me to develop the skills to make my first handmade doll. It was so much fun to do and when it was finished and my daughter received her, she was immediately fond of her. She named her ‘Margrietje’ which is still one of her favorite Waldorf dolls. Other people were curious about Margrietje so we decided to post pictures of her on my website.
A lot of people were really charmed and started asking if I could make a fairy doll for them as well. I love making dolls so the answer was ‘yes’ and now I have made several Waldorf dolls in several sizes for little girls in The Netherlands and around the world. Some of them moved to France, Germany and the United Kingdom or even to America, New-Zealand and Australia!
Check out my website for more examples of my handmade dolls.
I live in The Netherlands, if you want more information about prices, shipping, etc. of my custom dolls just leave a message on my Facebook or send me an e-mail in English! poppenkind@gmail.com