Waldorf Doll in Summer Dress

This girl with her ginger hair is still looking for a new home. She is wearing a white summer dress and a whit slip dress underneath. She also brings a blue summer dress, the red cape is also available in my easy shop.


And then suddenly, Spring has arrived ! And with it a lot of work to be done in the garden, luckily I have a little helper named Emily.

She loves working in the garden and getting her hands dirty. When I ask her if she has ‘green fingers’, she looks a little startled and giggles ‘green fingers’ ? No one has green fingers they are just a little muddy…’ And so they are because she is working really hard this morning, putting dirt in the flowerpots, adding the seeds of sunflowers, Marigolds and lavender. Then taking the watering can all the way to the rain barrel, filling it to the brim, and watering the pots carefully not to spill all the water over her new shoes.

By the time she is done her cheeks are red and her eyes bright with excitement. ‘When can we see the flowers’ she asks a little out of breath, I smile and answer that it is going to take a loong time before we can see the flowers, but we can put the pots on the windowsill where it is nice and sunny. And so we do and every day she runs to the windowsill to see if there is a little green visible. Many days pass by and no green in sight but then one morning a tiny green leaf appears and Emily is extatic : ‘it works ! look ! the flower is coming’ and so it is and all we have to do is wait a little longer so it can grow into a nice big flower.



Doll Galery

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Because I have not shared my new dolls for a while on this site just a little update of dolls I made the past six Month. They are all different seizes and from very small nature table dolls to the soft cuddle dolls and the dress-up dolls.

Mila and Roos

Er klonk hier in huis een heleboel gegiechel de laatste tijd, deze twee lijsjes Mila en Roos konden het prima vinden samen. Ze hebben boekjes gelezen en gingen wandelen met het kleine houten eendje. En als ze eigenlijk moesten slapen hoorde ik nog tot heel laat gefluister uit hun bedjes komen. Inmiddels zijn ze onderweg naar hun nieuwe huis.

Lots of girly giggles in our home lately, meet Mila and Roos, two very lively dress up dolls. They love playing together, reading books, and walking with the little wooden duck. There was a lot of whispering when they were supposed to go to sleep. Mila and Roos are allready on their way to their new homes.

Lijs in jumpsuit / Dress up doll in jumpsuit

Dit poppenmeisje reist binnenkort naar Canada waar een klein jongetje voor haar gaat zorgen. Zijn zusje kreeg voor haar verjaardag een Poppelien pop en hij vond haar zo lief dat hij graag ook zo’n pop wilde hebben en zijn wens komt bijna uit…

This dolly is travelling all the way to Canada to a little boy who is going to take care of her. His sister got a Poppelien doll for her birthday and he loved her so much that his biggest wish was a doll like that for himself, and his wish is about to come true…

Lijs / Dress up doll

Soms is het heerlijk om gewoon in je legging en t-shirt the spelen met de kuikentjes. Natuurlijk vind je die lavendelkleurige jurk ook heel mooi met het gebreide vestje en de bijpassende schoentjes, maar je had zo veel plezier vanochtend met het mandje kuikentjes dat ik je wel moest fotograferen.

Sometimes it is just so lovely to play in your leggings and t-shirt with the little ducklings. Of course you do love that lavender dress with the knitted cardigan and matching shoes, but you just had so much fun playing with the basked with ducklings I just had to take a picture of you.

Deze pop heeft al een nieuw thuis gevonden / this doll allready found a new home